Updating Preservation Efforts.


Natural disasters, human-made damage, aging, and funding shortages – countless natural and cultural treasures, including World Heritage sites, are in critical danger. Yet, preservation cannot rely solely on the efforts of governments, municipalities, and managing organizations.Our challenge is to move beyond merely “preserving” and embrace “utilizing” preservation.By using 3D scanning technology to capture the current state of these treasures as digital data, we aim to activate that data in diverse ways. Together with people and businesses worldwide, we strive to create a new, exciting form of preservation that inspires everyone.




(Nagasaki / Japan)

「明治日本の産業革命遺産」のひとつである端島(通称軍艦島)。海底炭鉱の島として栄えたが、 1974年に炭坑が閉山し無人島に。建物は老朽化が進み、地理的・技術的理由からその保全は困難を極めています。HERITAGE DATABANKは、2021年に全島で3Dスキャンを実施し、建物の保全修繕計画に役立てることができる高精細なアーカイブデータを作成しました。

Built in 1607 using the most advanced technology and effort of its time, it is one of Japan’s Important Cultural Properties. The structure was damaged during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, and restoration efforts are currently underway.

#02_Kumamoto Castle



Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest peak, has long been revered as a sacred object of worship and a source of artistic inspiration, cherished by people across the country. In 2013, it was designated a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site as “Fujisan, Sacred Place and Source of Artistic Inspiration.”

#03_Mount Fuji

(Yamanashi, Shizuoka/Japan)


Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest peak, has long been revered as a sacred object of worship and a source of artistic inspiration, cherished by people across the country. In 2013, it was designated a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site as “Fujisan, Sacred Place and Source of Artistic Inspiration.”


#01_Virtual Gunkanjima Exhibition / HERITAGE DATABANK


An experimental exhibition presenting the potential of digital archive data to the public. It featured diverse expressions that transformed archive data into content, such as “Virtual Gunkanjima Photos” by photographer Kenji Sato.


#02_Gunkanjima Archive in FORTNITE / NAGASAKI CITY


A promotional initiative by Nagasaki City. Using archive data, Gunkanjima was recreated in the popular gaming platform Fortnite. A system was established where playing the game generates donations for the preservation of Gunkanjima, creating a new form of preservation independent of national or municipal funding.


#03_Virtual Location / METAVERSE PRODUCTION


A virtual production technique where 3D data is projected onto LED backgrounds, enabling film shoots indistinguishable from real locations. Gunkanjima’s archive data was utilized as a background asset, allowing virtual filming with the island, which is off-limits to visitors.


#04_ 5 Dimension Theater/ GUNKANJIMA DIGITAL MUSEUM


Archive data was used for an immersive exhibition at the Gunkanjima Digital Museum in Nagasaki City. The 3D theater features five LED displays on the walls, floor, and ceiling, offering an interactive and immersive experience for visitors.



ヘリテージデータバンクは、「デジタルアーカイブ×クリエイティブデザイン」で、世界の貴重な自然や文化を保全し、新たなカルチャーを創り出すプロジェクトです。世界有数の3Dスキャン技術による、超高精細なデジタルアーカイブの実現と、メタバースやWEB 3.0時代における、3Dデータの新たな活用と体験の開発で、保全活動だけでなく、観光やエンターテイメントまでも、アップデートします。

HERITAGE DATABANK is a project that combines “digital archiving” and “creative design” to preserve the world’s precious natural and cultural heritage while creating new cultural value.Through cutting-edge 3D scanning technology, we achieve ultra-high-resolution digital archiving. Additionally, by developing new ways to utilize and experience 3D data in the age of the metaverse and Web 3.0, we aim to update not only preservation efforts but also tourism and entertainment.




For inquiries about digital archiving of World Heritage sites, cultural assets, or architectural works, as well as the utilization of archive data, please feel free to contact us.